Your dynamite resume has won you an interview for that job you are really hoping to land. What should you do to prepare for this important opportunity?
First impressions are vital, especially in the workplace. When you go in for that interview with a potential employer, you want to be confident and, ultimately, get hired by the employer, assuming the job is a good fit with your values, style, and goals.
The key is to be prepared. Being well prepared will help bolster your self-confidence, a crucial ingredient for a successful interview. Some things you should do to be properly prepared include:
- Research the company. It’s important to walk into the interview with a working knowledge of what the company makes or what services they provide. How big is the company? Are they national or global? Has the firm recently made any innovations that provide it with a competitive advantage? Who are the competitors? A quick internet search will help you answer most of these questions. If you want to take a deeper dive, you may wish to connect with the Business Librarian at your local library. That person will likely have extensive resources to help you learn more about the company with which you are interviewing.
- Check LinkedIn for Company Employees. If you know the name of the person who will be interviewing you, by checking on LinkedIn, you might learn about this person’s background and identify common interests. These can be ice breakers when you are introduced and will demonstrate to the interviewer that you care. You may also discover that you have a college classmate or neighbor who works for the company. This gives you the opportunity to learn what that person has to say about what it’s like to work there.
- Do a “Dry Run.” Unless you are totally familiar with the location where the interview will take place, it can’t hurt to do a “drive-by” the day before to make sure you know where you are going and won’t be late.
- Organize Your “Interview Kit.” Assemble a brief case or portfolio that contains multiple copies of your resume and cover letter, your list of references, a copy of the job posting, directions (if you haven’t already done your dry run), a “brag book” (portfolio of your accomplishments), and any research materials you have accumulated. Consider including personal items such as breath mints, a comb or brush, and a small mirror.
Also be ready to interview the interviewer. This is a unique opportunity for you to gather information about whether your prospective employer is really the kind of organization you would like to join.
These tips are adapted from “No-Nonsense Job Interviews,” by Managing Partner, Arnie Boldt. For more information on how ResumeSOS can help you prepare for your next interview, call (585) 383-0350 or drop Arnie an email at
If you’d like to purchase a copy of “No-Nonsense Job Interviews,” email us at for details.